

Sprouted Lentil Superfood Salad Recipe #sproutedlentils #howtosproutlentils #sproutedlegumes #howtosproutbeans

Let me introduce you to the perfect summer side dish! It's light, perfect for summer, and SO nutrient dense! 

Last weekend, a friend joined us for dinner. We enjoyed so many different things picked from our garden or sprouted in our kitchen, including our favorite creamy radish and cucumber side dish

We also thoroughly enjoyed this fresh sprouted lentil salad, which was given a thumbs up by an 8-year old. 

It's quick and easy to make! Note, however, that you need to plan in advance, as the lentils need 3 - 4 days to sprout.  

  • 2 T olive oil
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • fresh ground black pepper (to taste)
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • juice of one lime (or more to taste)

  • 8 ounces of dry lentils (weight before sprouting -- see easy sprouting directions below)
  • 2 to 3 cups chopped cilantro
  • 4 T organic raisins or dried currants
  • 1 avocado diced (not shown in picture... I forgot to put it in!)
  • 2 red peppers or a cucumber, diced (optional)

  1. Three days before you want to eat the salad, begin sprouting the lentils.
  2. Place lentils in a glass quart-size jar and fill with water. Soak for 8 - 12 hours.
  3. Attach a sprouting jar topper and drain well. Rinse the lentils and drain again. 
  4. Place upside down at an angle in a bowl or use one of these nifty set ups if you've got it.
  5. Rinse and drain each morning and evening until the sprouted "tails" reach 1/4 to 1/2 inch. This will take 3 - 4 days. They are now ready to eat! See pictures below for what the lentils looked like while they were sprouting.
  6. Mix together dressing in a large bowl.  
  7. Add in the other ingredients (except avocado) and mix well.
  8. Top with diced avocado. 
  9. Serve immediately or store in fridge up to 3 days.

Sprouted Lentils for Lentil Superfood Salad #sproutedlentils #howtosproutlentils 
Sprouted Lentils Ready to Eat #sproutedlentils #howtosproutlentils #sproutedlegumes

For more on sprouting, with a list of helpful tools and instructions, see this post in my private Facebook community. 

You can also check out this handy sprouting idea list that I put together for you!


XOXO, Rachel

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